
토론회 및 세미나

녹색성장으로 가는 길-러셜리드 박사(미국 C Changement Investment 대표)초청 여의도연구소 정책간담회


<자세한 내용은 상단 원본 파일>

'러셜리드 박사(미국 C Changement Investment 대표)초청 여의도연구소 정책간담회'

Primary Capital Markets Need for the Coming Two Decades
•Gas and Liquid Fuels: $20 Trillion worldwide (in contrast with $0 net of depreciation from 1980-2000)

•Building Materials & Techniques
–Even if we got everything else right with investing and the environment, building stick-frame structures alone for 2 billion people moving from subsistence to moderate consumption levels would precipitate an ecological, economic, and natural resources disaster

Why Consider Clean Energy?
•"Dirty" (high emission and low efficiency) energy is going to become increasingly expensive both as sources become harder to access and as the environmental cost is added to the market cost via regulation and incentives.

•The increasing cost of dirty energycreates a real business opportunity for clean energy solutions.